Saturday, March 20, 2010


There are some up and downs about moving to Germany.

The good things are:

  • We get to visit really cool places like Paris, France.
  • We get to have a new house.
  • We get to learn German.
  • We get to visit castles.
  • We get to go skiing.
  • We’ve going to have more snow.
  • Lots of people are probably going to visit. (I know you want to!)

The bad things are:

  • We’re going to miss our house – like our big closets, a big shower,tons of room and a big backyard.
  • We’re going to miss all our friends in Georgia, especially the Starbucks.
  • We’re going to miss Callaway Gardens, the Chattahoochee River, Flat Rock Park and all those park places we go.
  • We have to move schools (I don’t know if that’s bad or good yet.)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Lukey and me

Luke is an awesome little brother.  He is funny and cute and vicious.    I like to play with Luke in his room.  We play football (throwing a football in a basketball hoop), soccer (where we kick the ball to each other), and basketball.   We also play outside and jump on the trampoline, play pirates, and swing on the swings.  We play trains in the bonus room and watch Diego.  We also read books together. Right now Luke likes me best.  He changes siblings all the time.

Luke is two and one quarter.  I’m seven and a half years older than him.  I’ve always wanted to be seven and a half years older than somebody.

Luke likes to make his siblings laugh… and it works.   When he’s mad, he’s mad.  When he’s silly, he’s silly.  When he’s cute, he’s faking it.

DSC_4599funny faces