Sunday, June 27, 2010

Our new house

This is our new house!  It's a duplex where you only get half of the house.  It has four floors.

 This is the attic bathroom.  I'm probably going to sleep in the attic.  It is HUGE.  The toilet is behind the door.

 This is the right side of the attic.  I know, it's huge!    To the right of Megan is where I hope my bed goes.  There is a corner right there and I want to put a reading light on the wall.  I want a queen sized bed.  My dresser and desk will go right beside my bed.

 This is the other half of the attic.  I like the slanted roof.  The door right there is a door to a very big closet.
 This is a picture from the kitchen to the dining room to the family room to the backyard.  Everything is very white... but not for long.  Mostly because our furniture will make it more colorful.
 This is the kitchen.  It has lots of cabinets.  That big cabinet in the middle is the small German fridge.  The one below it is the freezer.  We get another fridge from the military to go downstairs in our storage room.  In Germany every room has doors, including the kitchen.  Even our front entry has a door which is kind of weird.  It will never be closed unless Matthew is loose in the house and we want to keep him in a certain area.
 This is the family room.  We are going to put our big couch in here and our big TV in here and our big piano in here.   The backyard is small and all closed up.  Our trampoline is probably half the size of it... but we can go to the park and play tag.   There is dirt for Luke and Matthew to play in.
 This is one of the two rooms that are right beside each other and that look exactly the same.  Megan might be in one room and Matthew and Luke might be in the other?  Mom and Dad's bedroom is on this same floor on the other side of the house.  There is also a square white bathroom.

These are the marble stairs... and that door to the right is a closet and then if you keep going you'll get to the half bathroom and then to the front door. 
 This is a great biking trail.  I'm so excited to ride my bike on it.


Brianna said...

Katie I love how your house looks. I it so cool. I miss you sooooooooooooo
much. Keep you blog updated

Mike Walton said...

Great post Katie! It's fun to see the house! Will you have the attic all to yourself?!

David and Mary Walton said...

I'm glad you gave us a tour of your new house. It is fun to see the before and then to see the after, as you make it your own style. Good post!

Nikole said...

Thanks for posting so many pictures of your new house Katie! I am so glad that you love the twilight books too. I am going to go see the new movie with my friends Thursday night at 10:40 p.m. (maybe I will call you afterward since it will be morning there).

Shelley said...

Your house looks so great! I'm glad you showed us what the inside looks like. Where is my room when I come to stay? It would be fun to share a bed with you!

Elizabeth said...

Katie your new house is Awesome!!! The attic is soo cool:) I hope you are having bunches of fun in Germany, I know you are:) I miss you and your family very much. :) I will have to come visit you!