Things I love: Twilight . New Moon . Eclipse . Jacob . LOST . Cooking . Babysitting . Selena Gomez . Taylor Swift (I totally want her new album) . Germany . Paris . Rome . Shopping . Skinny jeans . Boots . Purses . Clothes . Brushing my teeth . Money from babysitting . Traveling . Playing Rook . Playing Zug um Zug . Soccer . My friends . Arts and Crafts . Swimming . Emailing . Visiting friends and family . Babies . Our ward . Activitiy Days . Snuggling with Dad . Being tucked in . Movies with Mom and Dad . Straightened Hair . Kiwi . Strawberries . Sunkist Soda . Potatoes and gravy . Waffles with peanut butter . Peanut butter alone . BYU . Helping Dad cheer for BYU . Changing my Blog . Playing the piano . 5th Grade (can't wait for middle school) .
I'm excited for: Grandma and Grandpa Johnson to come . Christmas . People to open their presents from me . Winter break . New Year's Eve . Garmish (we're going again after New Years) . Middle School . Visiting London . Wicked and lots of stuff .