Friday, December 17, 2010
Fun at School
On Friday I was getting ready for school until I found out that school would start 2 hours late because of the deep snow. It was pajama day! Once I got to school, Ms. Ryan turned on the Polar Express. When we were halfway through the movie we saw a play by some other 5th graders. We went to lunch, finished the movie, and watched the Elf. The whole time, my friends and I were making bookmarks and doing crafts. We were going to do an honor roll ceremony but since school started a little late, we will have to do it after Christmas. My 4 friends and I all got all As.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Gingerbread houses
Friday, December 10, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Our new house
This is the attic bathroom. I'm probably going to sleep in the attic. It is HUGE. The toilet is behind the door.
This is the right side of the attic. I know, it's huge! To the right of Megan is where I hope my bed goes. There is a corner right there and I want to put a reading light on the wall. I want a queen sized bed. My dresser and desk will go right beside my bed.
This is the other half of the attic. I like the slanted roof. The door right there is a door to a very big closet.
This is a picture from the kitchen to the dining room to the family room to the backyard. Everything is very white... but not for long. Mostly because our furniture will make it more colorful.
This is the kitchen. It has lots of cabinets. That big cabinet in the middle is the small German fridge. The one below it is the freezer. We get another fridge from the military to go downstairs in our storage room. In Germany every room has doors, including the kitchen. Even our front entry has a door which is kind of weird. It will never be closed unless Matthew is loose in the house and we want to keep him in a certain area.
This is the family room. We are going to put our big couch in here and our big TV in here and our big piano in here. The backyard is small and all closed up. Our trampoline is probably half the size of it... but we can go to the park and play tag. There is dirt for Luke and Matthew to play in.
This is one of the two rooms that are right beside each other and that look exactly the same. Megan might be in one room and Matthew and Luke might be in the other? Mom and Dad's bedroom is on this same floor on the other side of the house. There is also a square white bathroom.
This is a great biking trail. I'm so excited to ride my bike on it.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
We are here
We went throught a lot of lines to get on an hour bus to go to Heidelberg. So far we live in a hotel room. (4 hotel rooms. Dad and mom sleep in a room with Matthew. The girls share a big bed and room. Ryan and I have our own twin size beds. We share a room with Lukey. Then we have a family room area and small kitchen too which is not as big as my old laundry room. All the rooms connect. We have three bathrooms too.
Lukey was screaming all night. I tried sleeping with the girls but they were awake and louder. At 1:00am, about 10 minutes later, Emily bonked her head and my Dad told me to go back to bed. Luke cried some more and we both went to bed at 2:00 in the morning and both got 7 hours of sleep.
In our area of base there is a movie theater, a bowling place and a park that we can walk to. The park is HUGE and it is across the street. We went to the movie theater once to see Karate Kid.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
There are some up and downs about moving to Germany.
The good things are:
- We get to visit really cool places like Paris, France.
- We get to have a new house.
- We get to learn German.
- We get to visit castles.
- We get to go skiing.
- We’ve going to have more snow.
- Lots of people are probably going to visit. (I know you want to!)
The bad things are:
- We’re going to miss our house – like our big closets, a big shower,tons of room and a big backyard.
- We’re going to miss all our friends in Georgia, especially the Starbucks.
- We’re going to miss Callaway Gardens, the Chattahoochee River, Flat Rock Park and all those park places we go.
- We have to move schools (I don’t know if that’s bad or good yet.)
Friday, March 19, 2010
Lukey and me
Luke is an awesome little brother. He is funny and cute and vicious. I like to play with Luke in his room. We play football (throwing a football in a basketball hoop), soccer (where we kick the ball to each other), and basketball. We also play outside and jump on the trampoline, play pirates, and swing on the swings. We play trains in the bonus room and watch Diego. We also read books together. Right now Luke likes me best. He changes siblings all the time.
Luke is two and one quarter. I’m seven and a half years older than him. I’ve always wanted to be seven and a half years older than somebody.
Luke likes to make his siblings laugh… and it works. When he’s mad, he’s mad. When he’s silly, he’s silly. When he’s cute, he’s faking it.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Silver tooth
I got a silver tooth. It’s good and bad. The bad thing is I got a cavity. The good thing is it’s shiny and Megan always wants to look at it. Ok, that’s all.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
American Girls’ Night
For the American Girl’s Night Mom, Emily, Megan and I all watched Anne of Green Gables #1. Dad set up the projector in my room. We dressed our dolls and brushed each other’s hair until Dad’s laptop ran out of batteries. Then we went downstairs to watch the movie with big bowls of popcorn. I wore my cute owl pajamas. After the movie was over we went back upstairs and got our journals and took a journal test. I asked everybody questions and we wrote the answers in our journals. A few of the questions were: favorite drinks, favorite foods and what you want to be when you grow up. After that we turned off the lights and talked in bed. Mom went to sleep in my bed with me until Dad came and took her out.
I want another girls’ night soon.