What I am doing: Blogging with Mom
What I’m proud of today: Talk in Primary
What I’m thinking about: My best friend
Who is home: Everyone but Dad
Plans tonight: Stay up late
My weekend was: Awesome and fun
What’s for dinner: Applesause and leftovers
Feelings about love: Happy and wonderful
Feelings about life: I am glad
What I need: An alarm clock
What I want: To stay up
What I have: A nice family
My pet peeve: One mean bully
My guilty pleasure: Eating fruity snacks
What you don’t know about me: Like mommy movies
What I can hear: Luke being cute
What I can smell: Mom's Grape Soda
My style: Girly, fashionable, cute
My hairdo: Long, curly, bangs
My outfit: Dress, crop sweater
My mood: Fun, happy, good
The weather today: Sunny and hot
Thoughts on parenting: Want six kids
Thoughts on marriage: Exciting and romantic
Thoughts on politics: Rather have McCain
Thoughts on celebrity gossip: Kind of weird
Thoughts on beauty: I am beautiful
Thoughts on sleep: Wonderful, hard, pleasant
Thoughts on writing: Love to write
My favorite appliance: Blow dryer, TV
My favorite car: must call Grandpa
My favorite splurge: watch little TV
My favorite beauty secret: stick with mom
My favorite treat: Popcorn, Pudding, Gogurts
My favorite everyday pleasure: Jump on trampoline
Ten years ago: I wasn't born
Five years ago: I was naughty
One year ago: Excited for baptism
One year from now: In 4th Grade
Five years from now: Babysit a lot
Ten years from now: Going to college
I’m famous for: Cute brothers, sisters
Who I am: eager happy person
Who I hope to be: Like my mom
What I’m thankful for: Family, Gospel, Happiness