- I want to learn cursive.
- My favorite food is lasagna.
- My favorite color is orange.
- I want to learn how to play Tennis.
- My friends are Sophie, Maddie, Emily W, Josephine, Elizabeth, Madison, Hailey, Baylee, Brianna, Ally and Noura.
- My favorite shape is a star.
- I want to be a cook when I grow up.
- My favorite subject in school is spelling.
- I hate Math.
- My favorite activity is rock climbing.
- I love to doodle.
- My eyes and hair are brown.
- I like to stay up with my Mom and blog.
- I like to snuggle with Dad.
- I like to play on the tramp with my brothers and sisters.
- I get distracted very easily.
- My favorite drink is orange juice.
- I love brownies and cookies.
- I love to stay up late and watch Family Movies on Friday night.
- (Opps, I just got distracted again...)
- I love babysitting babies.
- I'm very ticklish.
- I like to listen to songs on my CD player.
- I like Junie B. Jones because she says she doesn't like the color 'clear' because the color 'clear' is the color of spit.
- My favorite underwater creature is a dolphin.
- My favorite animal is a bunny.
- But I don't want any pets because then I'll have to clean their poop.
- I love my grandparents and my aunts and uncles.
- When I grow up I want to have six kids. Two boys and then three girls in the middle and then a baby boy. There names will be... Mark, Andrew, Riley, Emma, Olivia and Trevor.
- I want earrings.
- I want to babysit so I can get money.